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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] On the v6 requirement

  • To: "soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] On the v6 requirement
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 09:43:09 -0500


Found the answer to my own question. Apologies for asking a dumb question, i 
was just a few moths behind in my ARIN PPML reading.

ARIN:  Policy Proposal 123: Reserved Pool for Critical Infrastructure (included 

Though from reading through the ARIN PPML list, I don't get the impression 
there is much support for the notion that everyone can't just do IPV6.  - in 
fact a least one person says they can just go to t a colo site site that has 
IPv6, so this may be an uphill struggle.

Also I do not really see how:
- a program for emergencies would be used for applicant support
- it would make a whit of difference to ICANN requirements for IPv6.

A question I have, even in ARIN's territory, is the assumption the IPv6 is 
available in a sufficient number of collocation sites a reasonable assumption.  
And how reasonable is this on a world wide basis.  Does anyone have fact of the 
number of colo sites that support v6 in the world?

Also how long does an ARIN PDP usually take, i.e would this policy be in effect 
by the time the applicant process started.


> ## * ##
> Policy Proposal 123: Reserved Pool for Critical Infrastructure
> Proposal Originator: Martin Hannigan
> Proposal Version: 3.0
> Date: 23 Nov 2010
> Proposal type: Modify
> Policy term: 36 Months following implementation
> Policy statement:
> Upon receipt of the last /8 that the IANA will allocate to ARIN per the
> Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space,
> ARIN will place an equivalent of a /16 of IPv4 address space in a
> reserve for Critical Infrastructure. If at the end of the policy term
> there is unused address space remaining in this pool, ARIN staff is
> authorized to utilize this space in a manner consistent with community
> expectations.
> Rationale:
> Section 4.10 of the NRPM is insufficient with respect to insuring the
> continued operation of critical infrastructure. This proposal, if
> adopted, will protect those resources with a reasonable amount of
> reserved v4 address space and prevent an overrun of CI needs by NRPM
> Section 4.10 or any successor. The intent is to separate CI needs and
> make a distinct pool available to insure the continuity of CI
> allocations per NRPM Section 4.4 for at least 36 months.
> This proposal should be considered an emergency proposal. IANA
> exhaustion is likely to occur prior to the next ARIN meeting.
> Timetable for implementation: Immediate

On 23 Dec 2010, at 09:29, Avri Doria wrote:

> Hi,
> Sounds good.  
> Will this be formalized in an ARIN policy statement?  And does this need to 
> go through their  policy approval process?
> a.
> On 23 Dec 2010, at 08:51, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:
>> Colleagues,
>> Yesterday I was able to obtain support from ARIN for new gTLD operators to 
>> be able to receive post-exhaustion provider independent address space from 
>> the reserve proposed for Criticial Infrastructure (CI).
>> While this does not assist any new gTLD operator demonstrate the v6 
>> requirement that is in the DAG, it reduces the possible impulse for the 
>> contractual requirement, which is imposed as early as when the application 
>> is submitted (and "frozen"), or as late as the transition to delegation, if 
>> that impulse is that new gTLD registries must be able to operate in a 
>> post-v4-exhaustion environment.
>> Whether the v6 requirement is relaxed from an unconditional requirement, or 
>> made conditional upon the purpose of the applicant and therefore the 
>> presumed address capability of the registrars, registrants, and 
>> name-to-address resolving users, the access to CI reserved resources is 
>> something that needs-qualified applicants will benefit by, and not have to 
>> purchase provider independent v4 address assets in the transfer market, or 
>> settle for provider dependent v4 address assets as a tenant of a hosting 
>> operator, registry technical services provider, or competitor.
>> One more tool in the assistance toolkit. Post-v4-exhaustion PI blocks 
>> reserved for CI.
>> The proposal is ARIN-prop-123. Reserved Pool for Critical Infrastructure.
>> Next, making the same request to the other regional registries -- RIPE, 
>> Eric

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