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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 05:57:01 -0800


Karla Valente
+1 310 936 4639  

-----Original Message-----
From: Karla.Valente@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:Karla.Valente@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 5:55 AM
To: Karla Valente
Subject: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD 
Applicant Support

  Rafik:hi there
  Tijani BEN JEMAA:it was my line
  Tijani BEN JEMAA:I just muted myself
  Gisella Gruber-White:merci Tijani!
  Alex Gakuru:i got my login via email
  Olivier Crépin-Leblond:the cold weather has killed my mobile phone battery. 
Back on.
  Alan:Echo. Presume it is Andrew.
  Gisella Gruber-White:Evan Leibovitch has joined the call
  Alex Gakuru:Elaine wrote about ISOC grants, may wish to comment?
  Tijani BEN JEMAA:Gisella, can you please call cintra
  Tijani BEN JEMAA:she is now available
  Cintra Sooknanan:Hi
  Cintra Sooknanan:Ok I'm on the call
  Cintra Sooknanan:thank you Gisella
  Evan Leibovitch:sorry, just on connect. i've been on the call for a while
  Evan Leibovitch:I think there is a challenge in fundraising that isn't being 
considered. When talking about jobs creation or other benefits, we have to 
consider the value of the money being asked for.
  Evan Leibovitch:We are asking for funds to pay for a fee (to be sent to the 
USA) and operating costs (which are in most cases being spent on service 
providers in the rich world). So watch out about the job creation argument. 
Many of the possible jobs that might be created would be in the rich world, not 
what is intended by the development goals.
  Andrew Mack:Evan, you are right in the short term.  We would need to make a 
longer-term argument, as these institutions would be thinking about longer-term 
impact.  Generally, the donors spend a lot of money on consulting and are not 
allergic to working on programs that spend money to create positive outcomes in 
the developing world.
  Olivier Crépin-Leblond:I can email Connie Kendig and Constance Bommelaer at 
ISOC to ask them
  Rafik:@Olivier it will be great
  Rafik:I guess that they defined some criterias too for selection?
  Evan Leibovitch:Also .. in talking about the speech- and culture- enabling 
benefit of a TLD, a funder would want to know what woould be enabled by a TLD 
($200K + operating expenses) as opposed to a second-level domain under a 
develooping-world CCTLD ( < $100/yr)
  Tijani BEN JEMAA:Avri, can you please speak in the microphone when you speak
  Tijani BEN JEMAA:I hear you very low
  Olivier Crépin-Leblond:Did anyone enquire with the SOROS fund?
  Rafik:you mean open society?
  Olivier Crépin-Leblond:i don't know their exact name - the development fund 
run by George SOROS
  Evan Leibovitch:soros'group is the Open Society Institute
  avri:i think next time start reports from the other end of the list: I, H, 
DEF, cg, ab  since the are good branstorming time.
  Rafik:you think that one hour call is not enough?
  avri:how many of us at dotnxt.  i am.
  Elaine Pruis:where are you staying avri?
  Elaine Pruis:thank you
  Alex Gakuru:thank you
  avri:this 6am timeslot in California is interesting
  avri:5am will be even more so.
  Elaine Pruis:5 am does not work for me or erick
  avri:i am in calfiornia time now.
  Cintra Sooknanan:I will always be tied into meetings at 1400 UTC
  Cintra Sooknanan:it is difficult for me so I will likely join the calls late
  Olivier Crépin-Leblond:sorry i need to go. Next conf call up for me. thanks.
  Cintra Sooknanan:Catch up soon, bye
  Gisella Gruber-White:Baudoin Schombe has joined the call

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