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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 15:17:44 -0800

-----Original Message-----
From: Karla.Valente@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:Karla.Valente@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 6:10 AM
To: Karla Valente
Subject: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD 
Applicant Support

  CLO:Midnight start time calls are bad enough  hut 0100 hrs  local time  GRRRR
  Rafik:@Clo it is 22:00 here too :)
  CLO:that is 2 hrs ahead of me  it is  well after mdonight on my Friday night
  CLO:and sraying upo for a 0100 strat is  much harder
  CLO:2200 easy to do 
  Elaine Pruis:how about 0500 CLO?
  CLO:Perfect  I loke 0500 locsl start times
  Rafik:@Clo indeed anyway satisfying everybody is quite complicated ><
  CLO:  or dod y9u mean 0500 UTC
  Elaine Pruis:UTC
  Rafik:@elaine that will be hard for people in Europe&africa
  CLO:UTC 0500 is good for Asia   yes  as it is afternoon time  in the region  
our APRALO call is always 0500 UTC for that reason
  Elaine Pruis:and it is 8PM for me. much more manageble than 5 AM
  CLO:1800 UTC  or there abouts  is fine for me though  I prefer 0500 to 0100 
starts to my day
  Gisella Gruber-White:Avri Doria will be joining us late
  Elaine Pruis:can we have scroll power please? I can't see the report 
underneath the chat window
  Elaine Pruis:please...
  Gisella Gruber-White:You should be able to scroll now - please confirm
  Elaine Pruis:yes!
  Gisella Gruber-White:Thanks - sorry for the delays today!
  CLO:0730 starts at ICANN meeting is fine for some of us however
  Elaine Pruis:how about 5pm?
  CLO:Have a look at the ALAC  schedule  already published
  Elaine Pruis:please speak louder
  Gisella Gruber-White:Tony Harris has joined the call
  Alan:Sory to be late. Dialing in now.
  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome Alan
  Gisella Gruber-White:Alan has now joined the call
  CLO:That makes  sense to ensure we minimise duplicated  effort  that is
  Cintra Sooknanan:I agree
  Alan:Very difficult to hear Rafik.
  Eric Brunner-Williams:i assume the call is now concluded?
  Gisella Gruber-White:The call is about to end
  Eric Brunner-Williams:pity. rafik informed me via chat  in the last meeting 
that today's call time had changed. oh well, i'll read the transcript and 
listen to the mp3
  Eric Brunner-Williams:@tijani, writing a comment on the (ab) proposal, will 
send within the hour.
  Rafik:@Eric sorry I mistook, gisella already sent a doodle poll to select 
another time 
  Eric Brunner-Williams:yup
  Eric Brunner-Williams:next week i can do at this time (an hour ago), but that 
is a one-time occurence due to schools being on break
  Cintra Sooknanan:Thank you all 
  Cintra Sooknanan:bye
  Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:bye
  Cintra Sooknanan:hello now connected

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