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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Singapore Presentation draft and proposed structure

  • To: "Rafik Dammak (rafik.dammak@xxxxxxxxx)" <rafik.dammak@xxxxxxxxx>, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Singapore Presentation draft and proposed structure
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 20:34:47 -0700

Dear Rafik, Carlton:

Please find attached a draft presentation for the Singapore ICANN Meeting. This 
is to help with the planning discussion on Friday.
I also took the liberty to propose a structure. Now the details are in your 
capable hands.
I suggest I continue to own the presentation draft so we can capture and 
control changes.

Quick reminders

·         Our room will be ALAC type table setting, not theater style.

·         We will have scribes, French, Spanish interpreters

·         We will have remote participation

·         I will update this week the Meetings Schedule content. It would be 
good if we can post the presentation and MR2 for people to review prior to the 
meeting. I will wait for the ppt review and approval to do that.

·         The ppt is in standard format. I do not have yet the Singapore 
template. I think it is ok as is because it can be reused, but I will be happy 
to transfer to the Singapore template if you want.

·         The session is 11:00 am to 12:30. We have 1:30 to present and get 
audience feedback.

1.       Chair 1

a.       introduces the agenda (I will add until we have the final presentation)

b.      JAS WG - who we are (members, qualification)

c.       what we do

d.      why provide support

e.      quick review of the work timeline

2.       Chair 2

a.       ALAC and GNSO statements

b.      how the MR2 is structured

c.       when should support be offered

3.       Member 1

a.       Who qualifies for support

b.      Who does not

4.       Member 2

a.       Benefits received

5.       Member 3

b. Evaluation process

6.       Chair 1 or 2 - next steps and open invitation to participate, voice 
support, opinions.

Kind regards,

Karla Valente
Director, gTLD Registry Programs
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Direct:  + 1 310 301 3878
Mobile:  +1 310 936 4639
Skype: kdlvalente

Attachment: JAS WG Singapore Presentation.pptx
Description: JAS WG Singapore Presentation.pptx

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