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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Capturing feedback from today's face-to-face

  • To: soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Capturing feedback from today's face-to-face
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 15:19:28 +0800


I think the issue of registrars is critical and think it is something the JAS 
should work on.

However, it is not critical for the application phase of the project but rather 
for the implementation phase.  We will have time to work on this issue, 
approximately 28 months, after the work that needs to be completed in order for 
there to be assistance in the applicants for new Registries.

In the meantime figuring out how we can help JAS qualified applicants setup 
registries that do not have to rely on incumbent Registry Service Providers, 
most all in the developed world, seems to me to be a more critical problem.  I 
am very afraid that helping JAS qualified applicants use developed nation RSPs, 
risks transferring developing economy raw resources, their cultural and 
linguistic strings, into the control of the incumbents.  This may be a 
reasonable choice for some applicants, but at his point, there is no choice but 
to do so.


On 23 Jun 2011, at 12:05, ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Colleages,
> Mouhamet Diop suggested that the scope of assistance to applicants
> include the issue of the sales channels the applicants will have as
> registry operators, independent of the selection of registry platform
> service provider.
> There was spirited discussion, and as a participant I hope I'm not
> doing an injustice to the participants who expressed the concern
> that registrars are out of scope, or can come later. In my view 
> registrars in developing economies are useful, possibly necessary,
> and need starting as soon as possible, selling existing inventories,
> and building local presence as an alternative to North American and
> European registrars as default registrars.
> I propose that we submit through our co-chairs to the sponsoring
> organizations statements to the effect that supporting applicants
> in developing economies extends to the market channels available
> also in developing economies, possibly local to the applicant as
> an eventual registry operator.
> Eric

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