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Re: [ssac-gnso-irdwg] Draft matrix

  • To: Jay Daley <jay@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Steve Sheng <steve.sheng@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ssac-gnso-irdwg] Draft matrix
  • From: James M Galvin <jgalvin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:49:43 -0400

I agree with everything that Jay says here with two clarifications indicated inline below.

-- On April 1, 2010 11:40:42 AM +1300 Jay Daley <jay@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote regarding Re: [ssac-gnso-irdwg] Draft matrix --

Hi Steve

Work pressures have prevented me from joining any calls recently so
apologies if these comments seem to backtrack at all.

1. Models

I am happy with models 1 and 2 as they both seem sensible

Model 3 however seems unfeasable - I cannot imagine a situation where
model 3 will be the *only* model allowed, which means it effectively
describes 'added value'.  Our focus (as with all policy groups)
should be on baseline behaviour as there is an infinite spectrum of
added value that we cannot predict.  I consequently won't be
commenting on model 3.

It is interesting to note there are no models that push the problem
to registries.  Is this a deliberate omission?  I would be happy if
it is but I think the reasoning needs to be recorded.

2.  Impact to registrars
This is entirely gTLD specific.  Given the importance of ccTLDs in
this particular arena I think that needs to be corrected.  That
doesn't take too much work - just a note that 'most' ccTLDs also
require ASCII in addition to the local script.

The claimed cost issues are irrelevant and can go - registrars will
ultimately choose what to support and will do so on a cost/benefit
analysis that is out of scope for us to go into.

3.  Impact to registries
For thin registries surely the box should say "no impact" - the whole
definition of a thin registry is that they don't have registrant
data?  I would say that cell B11 and B12 need to be combined into B12
and C11 moved to C12, leaving "no impact" in C11 and C12.

I think what you mean is "no impact" in C11, at least that's what I would do. If that's not what you mean then I'm confused since you can not both move C11 in to C12 and have "no impact" in C12.

The "if a registry needs to get involved in administering a domain"
in C11/C12 hides masks the big issue.

The gTLD model and most ccTLD models are quite clear - the
registrants are customers of the registrar not the registry and so
all interaction with them is through the registrar.  Every day on
mailing lists I see abusive domains reported and almost always the
only interaction from the registry is to prompt the registrar to do

I think this should say "The impact is that the registry will not be
able to interpret the registrant information unless that have a
service (internal or otherwise) that can translate the
script/language used.  This will prevent them from engaging in
administering a domain or from extracting detailed statistical
information.  If may also hinder them when looking for similar data
in different registrations for such purposes as abuse detection.
Under the current model of gTLDs and most ccTLDs there is no official
role for the registry to do any of these but if such a role were to
develop then this would prevent it."

The important point here is that a registry is not obligated to understand all languages. When registries get involved in administering a domain it is always through a registrar. If it's not then the likely context is "abuse" and understanding the language is hardly necessary. The action most likely to be executed is a "take down", but only after the registrar has not responded. This action does not require understanding the language.


4.  Impact to registrant
No comment.

5.  Impact to WHOIS user
Need to add lines for "non-local user receiving WHOIS display in
'official' language" and "non-local user receiving WHOIS display in
local language".

The comment "Pose signficant challenges as Whois now in many
languages that the local user would not understand" is not
necessarily true - it depends on whether model 2 includes "from a
restricted set that the TLD supports" or not.  If it does then this
comment is not valid.

kind regards

On 30/03/2010, at 4:36 AM, Steve Sheng wrote:

Dear IRD-WG,

  Attached please find the draft matrix requested by the WG in the
last call. This matrix identifies three different models for
registration data and the impact of each model on potential

  Before using this matrix for further deliberation, we want to make
sure of its correctness. So I feel it is important for WG members who
are from (or knowledgeable of) registrar, registries operations to
comment on the registrar and registry section;  for WG members who
represent registrants’ right, or users of Whois to comment the
respective sections as well.

  Last but not least, if there are additional models that needs to be
considered, please don’t hesitate to put them on the table.



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