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Re: [ssac-gnso-irdwg] Draft outreach slides

  • To: James M Galvin <jgalvin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Ird <ssac-gnso-irdwg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ssac-gnso-irdwg] Draft outreach slides
  • From: Steve Sheng <steve.sheng@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 07:21:24 -0800

Thanks Jim, attached please find the updated slides.

Warm regards,

On 2/1/11 7:35 AM, "James M Galvin" <jgalvin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Thanks very much for these slides.  I have a few suggestions as follows.

Slide 5: "displayed in WHOIS" to "displayed using the WHOIS protocol"

Slide 7: "script accepted by the registrar" in Model 3 to "any
registrar-accepted script"; carry forward to slide 11

Slide 7: "language accepted by the registrar" in Model 4 to "any
registrar-accepted language"; carry forward to slide 12

Slide 8: "WHOIS" to "registration data"

Slide 8: "character set" to "script"

Slide 14: Question 2 asks for comments on the "recommendations", but
there are no recommendations in these slides.  More precisely, the word
"recommendation" does not appear anywhere in the slide deck and thus
the question is ambiguous.

I think you need pull slides 23 and 24 out of the "backup slides" and
insert them between slides 13 and 14.



-- On January 10, 2011 2:00:35 PM -0800 Steve Sheng
<steve.sheng@xxxxxxxxx> wrote regarding [ssac-gnso-irdwg] Draft
outreach slides --

> Dear IRD-WG,
>   Attached please find the draft outreach slides. In this
> presentation, we focus on the different models and ways to
> internationalize domain registration data. We also provided rational
> for discussing the different models.
>   As agreed, please provide feedback to the slide deck on the mailing
> list. We also appreciate if you could suggest times and target
> audience for the outreach.
> Warm regards,

Attachment: Draft IRD-WG outreach February 7.ppt
Description: Draft IRD-WG outreach February 7.ppt

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