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Industry support for Pulver/NetNumber ".tel" TLD proposal

  • To: <stld-rfp-tel-pulver@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Industry support for Pulver/NetNumber ".tel" TLD proposal
  • From: "Andrew Frame" <andrew@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 19:43:58 -0700
  • Importance: Normal

As a participant in the IP communications service provider (IPCSP)
industry, it is my belief that a sponsored ".tel" TLD for use by IPCSPs
will add significant value to our industry as a compliment to the
IAB/ITU supported "e164.arpa" implementation of the ENUM protocol.

I support Pulver.com as sponsor of the ".tel" TLD with the expectation
and understanding that ICANN will play its role in providing the
necessary on-going independent oversight function for this TLD.

Name: Andrew Frame
Title: CTO
Company: ooma, Inc

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