Since I didn't see any objection or comment on the proposed process
(version 2) in six days, I guess we can consider it approved.
So I think we could start reviewing the pending applications, which AFAIK are:
Number: 1
Applicant: SocietßInternet (ISOC Italy)
Country: Italy (Europe)
Contact: Vittorio Bertola <vb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Received: August 28, 2003
Status: accepted
Reviewers: Thomas Roessler, Roberto Gaetano, Denise Michel
Number: 2
Applicant: Worlali Senyo
Country: Ghana (Africa)
Contact: Worlali Senyo <wsenyo@xxxxxxxxx>
Received: September 26, 2003
Status: incomplete
Number: 3
Applicant: Arab Knowledge Management Society
Country: Jordan (Asia/Pacific)
Contact: Ibrahim Nakhala <akms@xxxxxxxx>
Received: September 29, 2003
Status: accepted
Reviewers: Izumi Aizu, Tommy Matsumoto, Hong Xue, Denise Michel
Number: 4
Applicant: Sudan Internet Society
Country: Sudan (Africa)
Contact: Yassir Elamin <yassir@xxxxxxx>
Received: September 29, 2003
Status: accepted
Reviewers: Pierre Dandjinou, Clement Dzidonu, Sunday Folayan, Denise
Number: 5
Applicant: Alfa-Redi
Country: Peru (Latin America)
Contact: Erick Iriarte Ahon <eiriarte@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Received: October 13, 2003
Status: accepted
Reviewers: Sebastian Ricciardi, Tadao Takahashi, Denise Michel
About #2, I'm wondering whether it's actually an organization or just an
individual; about the others, apparently they are ok, but Denise had
contacts with the applicants so she may have more information.
I think we should try to keep this list updated (perhaps under the form
of a spreadsheet or online database) so that at every time we know what
the situation is.
Also, if possible, the reviewers should start doing their job in the next
couple of weeks, so that we can maybe try to approve some applications in
Carthage (by voting on the list, so that also those members who can't
attend the meeting can vote). Do you deem feasible to conclude these
reviews by Friday 24, just before leaving for the meeting?
.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo vb.
Vittorio Bertola - vb [a] <-- Vecchio sito, nuovo toblog!