I agree with Inez. .com, .org, .net should be generic and global, but
they are not. I propose an elegant solution:1. As of a certain date, all .com,
etc., DNs will change to add a country suffix based on the entity's true headquarters,
i.e. '.us' for US-based entities. For example, whitehouse.gov.us, nortel.com.ca.,
2. This will free up all of the potential generic TLDs once again.
But they will not be immediately available for registration. A world organization
will have to be formed to register these names. Only entities who have a truly global
scope of operations or truly international presence will be allowed register them.
For example, commercial operations located in at least 'n' countries, or countries
representing 'x' percent of the world population, will enable an entity to register
a .com DN. (For example, Sony.com.) Likewise for organizations. (For example, UnitedNations.org.)
At the same time, let's clean up and coordinate the trademark issues.
4. Each country
will have the right to decide for itself whether they will have additional (sub)TLNs
in their TLN. However, all countries will agree to maintain at least a very small
number of identically-named generic (sub)TLNs. This list would correspond to the
current ones - .com, .org, .mil, .edu, etc. (the Brits might have to rename theirs),
plus a VERY small handful of others. For example, I like the '.xxx' idea, because
it is a useful filter.
5. Once and for all, decide what .net really means. Currently,
it is merely overflow from .com.