Did YOU know that ICANN is actually a puppet for Network Solutions,
Inc ?
70% shares is owned by NSI and 30% is owned by the US
to become an ICANN accredited registrar one has to pay:
USD1000 application fee ( RM 3800 )
- to ICANN
USD5000 accreditation
fee ( RM 19000 ) - to ICANN
USD10000 license fee ( RM 38000 ) - to NSI
[ Why MUST registrars
pay USD10000 to NSI ? Why not create free,
open source registry licensed under
the GNU GPL ? After all, isn't
registrars paying USD5000/yr to ICANN for maintenance
and remember
that the InterNIC is a public resource ]
On top of the above, registrars
required to pay:
USD6 per domain per year ( RM22.80 per domain per year )
these unscrulpulous registrars/bodies/registries never pass
these savings to the
Note: 1 US Dollar = RM 3.80