It is best to have a separate database of addresses. Remember this is for children
only - suggest take out porn, racial and dangerous (bomb making etc.) sites. Maintained
by separate independent organization, funded by participating governments. This would
give a central contact for people. This can be done, at least one NetNanny type company
is doing a similar job *on its own*.Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to have
separate phone number for this database. Subscribers then have option for either
Phone companies to have a list of ISPs. You can then obviously bar these
numbers from being used. Or if you do not, you will know if child subscribes to an
uncensored (free?) ISP. If a uncensored number is used - phone bill states, just
on top line, "Uncensored Internet used, phone number #####-######"
is nothing to do with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO.ORG).