There are indeed, many nice words, some regional, all
very generic. Highly brandable. Now, to be certain, they are not Business.web, Loans.web,
Radio.web or Music.web--but again--there are ALWAYS going to be the Top 50 or so
that are near impossible to get. I mean, with 8 or so billion people in the world,
the Top 50 are always going to be seriously unattainable. Let's be realistic.
But there are many good ones left. Here is a list of some.
Not the best, mind you. I have that list squirreled away, with ideas for development--though
I am happy with the few I own. Become a language person, if you are not yet one.
Jump in. Prom.web Sculpture.web Effects.web Predict.web Folklore.web Folk.web Circus.web Landscapers.web
. . . Ready. . . Set. . . GO!!
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