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Username: jestiny
Date/Time: Wed, June 21, 2000 at 2:10 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows NT
Score: 5


  I am not trying to be antagonistic nor counterproductive to this forum. I am simply trying to convey relevant information to open-minded individuals. Please suspend your skepticism for a moment, and assume I have a strong foresight.

ICANN and new GTLD's are dead. They died in the last 5 days. Not totally, some will limp out feebily this year or next with modest success, but no more.  .WEB better be one of them because it is so intuitive, and has the best chance at success.

What people have waited for .. . for 25 years for is happening right NOW. The landrush and redefining of the Internet is happening right NOW.  New companies and new fortunes are being made right NOW.

DON'T BELIEVE ME?  Go to , refresh your browser every few minutes to see the steady flow of new registrations. It is clear that the market is BUYING INTO .TV.  I MUST emphasize .. registrations are flowing steadily, yet NO ONE knows about the new pricing. . the price drop from $1000 to $100.   Probably 1/100 of 1% of the Internet know about .TV's new affordability.

.TV is a LIVE, incredibly intuitive domain.  Wait until the WHOLE WORLD knows! Then, there will really be a landrush. Also, don't expect DOT TV to bump the price back up to $1000 for long after the success of this promotion. Getting people in the door at $100 and then getting a thousand in subsequent years is a MUCH BETTER MODEL.)

Oh . you know about AOLTV . debuted this week.  And you know about WebTV .. well, what about this initiative announced today on CNET? Can you see a trend yet . . it's called BROADBAND... or .TV

Or, view CNET again and see their new link "CNET TV and Radio" -(I know CNET has had TV for a while. . that's not the point)

Excuse the philosophical (or economics) bent, but there are certain fundamental truths and forces to a competitive environment. One is that an inefficient process (or animal. . or business) will ultimately fail because of forces in the environment that eventually produce a more efficient competitor that will cause the extinction of the less efficient entity.

I sat around with a buddy 9 months musing about how unbelievable it was that some other naming method, convention, or gTLD hadn't arisen and blown this ridiculously inefficient ICANN process out of the water.  I was thinking how atypical it was for a relatively free competitive environment not to be produce a better solution.  In an evolutionary sense, if you will, it didn't deserve to live. There was RealNames .. but RealNames is a crappy idea, and I really couldn't imagine how it would take off.

Anyway, needless to say, I am both pleased and humbled that "nature" has finally produced that better solution,just as I thought it would eventually. 

In sum, ICANN is DEAD.

.TV is familar, yet expansive.  Not limiting, overly descriptive, and long like .shop or .store.

I can be contacted at email:  (please scroll down)

Okay  . I haven't set up that e-mail address yet.  But I could. That address could exist.  The question is "Did that e-mail address strike you?"  I bet it did, because .TV is compelling. And that is the ultimate test of any Internet name or address. 

Sorry folks!  It simply works.



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