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Username: jestiny
Date/Time: Sun, June 25, 2000 at 4:30 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: GrassRoots  vs. Corporate Internet


  I agree. ICANN needs to understand what is transpiring on the web right NOW. I hate to bring this up again, but the Corporate Internet (.TV) is about to mow down homegrown TLD providers like IOD who have been around a long time and participated in the process for FOUR years.  ICANN is endangered too!

I could brag and definitively establish my vision, but rather than that, I will settle for a much less compelling argument.

TRUST ME!  :-)  I can see these things coming WAY ahead of time.

.TV is like an approaching tornado. Right now debris is merely flitting about. By November 1st, it will be ripping down established structures and changing the landscape. I just read a post on another site by a guy who talked to DOT TV cust service. The representative said he just processed 10 million dollars in domains. Watch the domains steadily go by, and I don't doubt this. (although I presume the guy was talking about over the last few weeks or so, I don't know??)

Anyway, IOD and other pioneers deserve MUCH better, ICANN. Go into emergency mode and make a decision FAST . . in July.



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