Why then every single time I,
personally, have gone to IOD recently & in the past, I have accessed without any
problem. I must be going there at the right times? Gimme a break.
Maybe YOU are going there at exactly the times the upgrades are going on. Who
knows. What's the diff? 100% of the times I have gone there, no problem at
all. I must be lucky?Why are you so down on IOD? They are a very Professional
site. BTW, while I am posting tonight--my earlier posts today were "having some
fun",--I have some real nifty .com web addresses used in my business. Functional
utilized .com sites. But, guess what, I am FOR new gTLDs. I am one of
the .com holders who WANT Enterprise to survive and thrive. New gTLDs WILL
provide a Desired additional avenue. Notice I did NOT say Needed,.something
doesn't have to be Needed to be Wanted by the general Public. Some things,
new and old are just nice to have around. Ya know--get my drift? VOR
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