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Username: bartender
Date/Time: Mon, July 3, 2000 at 12:04 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: Rebeka, grow up.


      Rebeka, you silly silly person. Go do a little studying on COMMUNISM, Please? And then do some reading up on Capitalism...and come back when you are all grown up. What on earth are you proposing that domains be treated like library books for? You have some problem with people buying and selling things? You don't feel that if someone owns something, or the rights to something, and someone else buys it, that that is o.k. ? Sorry to be blunt and perhaps out of line, but I must tell you that people with mentalilties like yours make me sick. You think you are doing good deeds in your small liberal mind, but you are actually burning down the forest to save one tree. If this is what this board has come to, God help us all. We're gonna need it.

Make mine a double,


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