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Username: Merlin
Date/Time: Tue, July 4, 2000 at 5:33 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.08 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: I question this statement>>


                "Somewhere in the middle are the advocates of pre-registered gTLD’s who seem to be in favor of opening up the playing field just wide enough to let them in “first”."

I personally object to that statement and am confident that others would as well. I have never read nor heard that from any registrant.
You either put a registry into the root server or you don't. I truly believe and welcome 100's of new TLD's into the root server and let the market decide their fate. If you search out one of my first postings I addressed this in more detail using "Widgets.***" as an example.
When I first discovered and registered in .web, never had it ever occurred to me that I would be witness to such childish statements from some that think the world owes them something because they didn't get off their A** sooner. I was late in .com,etc.. and not pleased as who would be, yet I never would have even thought of crying foul because of my lack of action. Well they say you should learn from your mistakes and it will serve as a building block to future success, in that respect my failure prepared me should opportunity present itself. I have done nothing immoral or illegal and have not cheated anyone yet there are those here who selfishly attempt to categorize me and thousands of others as such. Is that fair?
Truly I believe that we will be alright and will get what we honestly and legally paid for, however we live in a crazy world and I find it wise to address these issues to help clarify what will become known on this issue as their grade school behavior.


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