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Username: fnord
Date/Time: Sat, July 8, 2000 at 8:55 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: .adult and .kids


        To reiterate my earlier suggestion and others made here, create a .sex or .xxx or .adult TLD and allow existing sex sites to migrate there first. There is still a thorny problem if and and are owned by different individuals, perhaps in that case an entry page at which contains only links to the other sites at or whatever.

As friedrich says, this migration must be voluntary. There is no way that we will get global agreement on what constitutes pornography. Even assuming we could, there is no technical way to effectively police it, no matter how well you construct the spiders or bots or filters, porn sites (or :) will find a loophole.

Realistically, not all porn sites will migrate, many of them are not good netizens. Nevertheless an .adult domain should be tried and if those who use porn sites vote with their mice it may be a success. The online porn industry is one of the few pure net plays making any money. Theft of copyrighted content from one site to another is probably a big issue. The online porn industry would probably prefer a space where they can self regulate.

Additionally, a chartered .kids domain should be tried, though who would manage it is a big question. If one or both of these domains succeed even partially then we are better off. If they both fail miserably we are no worse off. - email without ICANN in Subject: line is blocked
Link: peacefire

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