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Username: jpalmeradns
Date/Time: Sun, July 9, 2000 at 3:24 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Private Property Rights to TLDs - Be careful


      Hello - I am John Palmer, president of AGN Domain Name Service, Inc. I know that this warning has been posted before, but I felt it appropriate to post it again as ICANN is approaching decision-making time on Top-Level domains. AGN Domain Name Service Inc, legally owns the top level domains .EARTH, .USA and .Z Any attempt by ICANN to use our property without our express written content will result in immediate legal action against ICANN for violation of our intellectual property rights under the laws of the United States and any other nations in which our rights have been violated. Leave these three TLDs alone or face the consequences. "Use" includes attempting to assign them to others or representing that you have the authority to do so.

John Palmer
AGN Domain Name Service, Inc.



Link: AGN Domain Name Service, Inc

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