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Username: friedrich
Date/Time: Sun, July 9, 2000 at 3:18 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Heaven and Hell!


               Thanks for the funny comment!

What's wrong with Come-on, read the post of this forum and you will dicover that not the domain name, but the USE OF THE DOMAIN NAME is relevant for trademark infringements.

A joke:

"I told a boy that if he was kind to his mother he would go to heaven one day. He answered: Fine, but when I have been there for two weeks and always behaved nicely, may I then go to hell for a morning and play with the bad boys?!"

Come-one, the internet is heaven and hell - let's get a bit of an order there and give the trademarkowners their piece of heaven, but leave the rest as it is - it is exciting!




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