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Username: sybesma
Date/Time: Mon, July 10, 2000 at 10:17 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: I don't see the problem you see...


Two things if I may:

1) I don't have any big problem with allowing a few forms of 'legal' punctuation in domain names.  That is hyphens [-] and maybe even ampersands [&], pounds [#], exclamations [!], apostrophes ['] and EVEN copyright [(C)], registered [(R)] and trademark [TM] symbols. 
Companies must consider whether using such punctuation and symbols would be practical for people trying to access their sites, however.

Many trademarked names have such punctuation and symbols in them.  I probably wouldn't encourage them to be widely used.  I would probably put some rules into how they can be used.  It could take off some of the burden created by cybersquatters, because they would find it much harder to legally claim a domain name that has a (C), (R), or TM after it, don't you think?  Maybe my logic is backwards on this one because of the impracticality of typing in such symbols.  Then again, maybe I'm slightly too far ahead of my time on this one.  I don't know.

2) I don't have a problem with adding a few more TLDs.  The '.com' level is way too crowded already and there is very little room for future growth if things are limited to the ones that exist now.
I'd rather prevent the increasing number of lawsuits over DNs.

Steven D. Sybesma
Englewood, CO USA


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