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WHOIS Database Access
  • To: <forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: WHOIS Database Access
  • From: "Robert J. Accettura" <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 03:30:51 -0700
  • Importance: Normal

The WHOIS Database is an intigral part of the Internet, and should not 
be made unaviailable to all but a few.

To keep data up to date, the information should be periodically 
"pinged".  To validate the information is correct, during the first 30 
days, a domain should be sent an email with a confirmation method to 
confirm the email address.  As well as postal mail to ensure that the 
physical address is real and valid.  There should also be a email 
quarterly.  If the recipient replies, the address is valid.  If not, the 
recipient recieves a postal notice to the address registered.  A lack of 
reply for a period of 60-90 days, can result in suspension of the domain 
name.  When an address is changed, the domain owner is pinged in a 
similar fashon.  This will help ensure that the information is accurate. 
  It will also reduce the ability for sites pirating illegal software to 
have a domain name.  They will need to have a valid email and addresss 
associated with the domain name.

To prevent from mass marketers, the system should not allow more than a 
few requests per IP address per hour.  There should also be a "hide 
email" option in the database.  So that a link appears, allowing the 
user to fill a form and contact the domain owner via email.  That way, 
email addresses don't have to be published, but are still used for 
proper communications.

Robert J. Accettura
robert@accettura.com <mailto:robert@accettura.com>

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