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Username: jdavids
Date/Time: Tue, October 31, 2000 at 7:35 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.04 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: Common sense dictates .tel implementation


        After reviewing the many other TLD applications on this site, I am  more certain than ever that is an absolute MUST for the internet user community. As a small business owner, while beginning the quest for my website domain, was very angry with the prospect of having to pay some "squatter" thousands of dollars for the use of MY NAME!! The very thought of those who own hundreds or thousands of domain names and hold them for ransom makes me ill... The idea for .tel is destined to become one of the greatest and most innovative  ideas since the beginning of the internet. The question is..."How do we FAIRLY distribute domain names?" The answer is ... ".tel"

Everyone in the WORLD with a phone number, will have the opportunity to use that number as a directory to their site. The only ones who could POSSIBLY not agree that .tel is the best idea in years, are the only ones that it will hurt. Those who will no longer be able to hold others hostage in an action that in my opinion should be illegal anyways.

In closing, it's hard for me to believe that .tel is not just automatically accepted. Common sense should dictate that .tel should have been a reality years ago. 


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