Yes, some names that might become worth a lot in the
future have been taken at, but I still think they should be registered
before anyone else:1. There are a lot (!) of non-speculative registrations as
well at Ordinary people and ordinary companies seeing a chance to grab
a good name for their business/hobby/whatever. Together all of these have spent a
lot of money on this and I don't think it's fair to reject these names.
2. The
problem that someone eventually is going to be the owner of lets say "loans.web"
(and mayby become a "multi-millionaire") isn't solved by not accepting webtld registrations.
It will only leed to someone else getting it, and I'm pretty sure that that one won't
be neither me nor you.
3. IODesign who runs "The .WEB registry" have trademarked
".WEB" (or something like that). They argue that if ".IBM" had been suggested as
a gTLD IBM certainly had acted to protect their trademark. My impression is that
IODesign will too.
4. IODesign is up and running with their registry and have prooved
that it works. It will be a smooth start to the .WEB gTLD letting IODesign be the
firt registry.
So, let IODesign be the first to register their .WEB-names, and
let's hope that there is a settlement between IODesign and ICANN (?) so that the
progress of new gTLD:s, including .WEB, isn't delayed more than necessary.