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Username: Domainator
Date/Time: Sat, April 15, 2000 at 3:01 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Wow! A little long winded...But does merit a worthy response


      Friedrich....You weren't kidding when you said it would take 10 minutes to read all this...I am not going to go blow by blow in responding to all your comments as frankly I didn't read all the way through the US we tend to get to the point...For Trademark holders you are afforded the WIPO court and laws in the US and overseas in protecting your marks...Will it cost you money to protect it?  Yes....Is there risk in business?  Yes  (end of point 1)...Point 2 on the namespace website, they appear to have their "ducks in a row"...pull up the.web on their website under the smart whois...It will query the system and pull it up...No different then if someone bought a dot com name on and you did a query on NSOL a day or two would be there...SO that company is legit..So is IOD and the .web folks from what I have seen...They were given permission to take domain registrations for a period of time...then out came the green, white papers, Governing power of the DNS changed hands from IANA to ICANN and so what has changed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  IOD has simply maintained there registry system (continuously I might add...might have been different if they would have screwed (pardon my french) the original registrants and quit all together...Then pop back up this year to do it all over...No they have kept the integrity of the system (which would certainly be an asset to ICANN in that they have the "stuff" to back up their company (whether it be integrity of the system or a system that has been in place since 1996)...So my obvious position is to LET THE REGISTRATIONS for .web stand as well the other registrars that maintained a registry database for more than 2 years.  That's it...(Not really to the point like I wanted, but hopefully my point is clear)


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