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Username: friedrich
Date/Time: Sat, April 15, 2000 at 2:51 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Here you get it in short words again! (Takes 3 minutes to read :-)))


      In shorter words:

I. All registrations of new gtlds are immediately and officially frozen.

II. Existing registrations under "new" gtlds:

1. All registrations effected through the >>>first<<< registrar of a „new“ gtld remain valid, if they have been submitted before the official freezing date of registrations to new gtlds.

2. The registrar concerned has to hand over an electronic list of all registered domain names to ICANN within 24 hours after ICANN freezes the registrations of "new" gtlds (not to allow later additions).

3. All >>>accredited<<< registrars of gtlds continue with the registrations of the new gtlds as soon as they are officially introduced by ICANN.

4. All registrars who where not the first ones to register in a specific "new" gtld are forced to paying back the registration fees to their clients.

III. Adding "new" gtlds

1. ICANN first adds the gtlds .1, .tm and .reg in order to solve the problems discussed here under paragraphe IV (trademarks). ICANN analyses the effects these steps have on the Internet.

2. If the result is positive, ICANN adds the new gtld .web and analyses the effects this step has on the Internet.

3. If it worked out sufficiently well, ICANN adds another 6 - 10 gtlds in the order they appeared in the Internet as "new gtlds". ICANN analyses again possible effects this has on the Internet.

4. If there is still enough of a demand for further "new" gtlds or for a complete liberation of the DOT-endings, ICANN prepares further steps into that direction. If not, no further or only a few and well determined additional gtlds are considered.

IV. Trademarks

1. ICANN guarantees the integrity of trademarked names under the cctlds of the countries, to which the trademarks protection extends, following a first-come-first-serve system among the trademark-owners themselves in re-spect of the trademark-names being registered in one or many of the 42 classes available.
Example: "", "", "","".

2. For trademarks registered in more than 10 countries, a new gtld ought to be established. The best solution might be the creation of the
.tm  gtld for the U.S and the
.reg gtld for all other countries
Both endings are already generally known as trademark abbreviations.

3. Internationally well-known trademarks like CocaCola get their own gtld, where no one else may be allowed to register: .1 (read: dot one)
.1, because per trademark only 1 company in the world is allowed to register.
.1, because as a digit it is international and undependent from any language.
.1, because it is easy to remember and therefore from an economical point of view more interesting for the companies concerned to change from .com to .1.
As only internationally known companies get the permission to register in .1, it might be indeed very interesting to change from .com to .1.
All names registered in .1 are automatically registered in .tm and .reg, in order to guarantee a global trademark protection to the company con-cerned.

4. Individuals, who's names are registered by someone else as a trademark are limited to the registration within the existing gtlds and cctlds and do not get any access to .1, .tm or .reg.
Within the existing gtlds and cctlds, they are granted the same rights as trademark owners.

5. Companies and Clubs, etc., who's names are older than a registered trademark and who therefore are allowed to continue using that name should be limited to the registration within the existing gtlds and cctlds without getting access to .1, .tm or .reg..
Within the existing gtlds and cctlds, they are granted the same rights as trademark owners.

6. Individuals, clubs or companies, who register cctld names which are:
a. Not protected by any trademark in the country of the cctld concerned (I.C.1.)
b. Not corresponding to their own name, in the case of individuals (I.C.4.)
c. Not older than an existing trademark of a third party (I.C.5.)
and therefore do not meet any of the requirements mentioned under I.C.1-5. will lose the registered domain name immediately upon the request of an individual, club or company meeting one of the requests mentioned under I.C.1-5.

7. No further trademark protection in the Internet ought to be established.




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