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[wildcard-comments] Verisign Sucks

  • To: wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [wildcard-comments] Verisign Sucks
  • From: "Philip S. Hempel" <pshempel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2003 23:15:01 -0400
  • Organization: Linux HardCore
  • Sender: owner-wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx

I received an email the other day from Verisign asking me to comment on
protecting my information from the public whois database ;-)

I pointed out in the online questionnaire how is it that reducing the
amount of information that administrators have available to them to
fight spam and attacks, that is, even today, not correct in many cases
i.e. tech contact: notvalid.email@xxxxxxxxxxx, going to help. 
If your concerned about protecting our privacy, than why have you
removed it with adding the wildcarding of unallocated  domain names to
our Domain system?
I suppose I was to be giving support for the reduction of information,
but that really would not be in my favor, maybe a spammer would like no
one to know, but not a legitimate person/company.

I was so glad that there were patches made shortly after the hijacking,
for Bind and DJBDNS that negated wild card support. None of our DNS
servers report an address today for a wild card address.

My upstream implemented the same as well as 3 other ISP/DNS providers
that I know of, over 30,000 customers total are effected. All of us are
pushing other companies to do the same and hope to see the effect to be
at least 10x this in the next month.

We do not take hijacking lying down and we will fight.

P.S. To all those who are in charge of DNS service, please add patches
or upgrade, your Bind or DJBDNS servers to prevent the propagation of
the Verisign hijacking, they are easy to add and only require 3 lines to
your config to stop Versign. (Sorry for those of you who pay for MS
*supported* software, your out of luck on this one until you buy your
next fix/upgrade)

Philip S. Hempel

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