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[wildcard-comments] Verisign's attitude as expressed in the Oct 7 meeting transcript

  • To: wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [wildcard-comments] Verisign's attitude as expressed in the Oct 7 meeting transcript
  • From: "oatleyd" <oatleyd@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 09:05:31 -0400 (EDT)
  • Cc:
  • Reply-to: oatleyd@xxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx

Something that continues to eat into my soul about this whole
mess is that Verisign keeps referring to the small percentages of
people/systems affected by their change. This is the sort of
logic that is hard to refute because on its face it sounds

But think about it. In what other areas of life is it okay to screw
up things for a small percentage of others just for your own
benefit? If I play my stereo too loud, I could argue that only
a very small percentage of people are affected, so what's the big
deal? I could even argue that there are lots of people that like 
the kind of music I am playing, so I am providing a service for
those people, at the expense of a very small percentage of others.

Please don't be blinded by their statistics. Don't try to argue
against their numbers. No matter the percentages, they have no
right to impose on everyone a system that breaks existing systems
and has no possibility for competition.

SiteFinder is their Poland. If we let them take it, do we really
think they aren't going to make a grab for Czechoslovakia?

Dave Oatley

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