To Whom It May Concern --
In consideration of VeriSign's hijacking of
DNS by its Wildcard "Service," briefly:
1. VeriSign took unilateral action, without
consultation of affected parties. This is IRRESPONSIBLE.
2. The reasoning behind this action is
self-promotion, which abuses the trust ICANN, and by extension the public, has
given them. This is GREED.
3. This action sets a dangerous precedent of
replacing useful error information with blatant and useless advertising. As a
user, this tells me of a mistake I made, which I can take steps to fix myself...
keeping the session under my control. VeriSign removes my control. This is
I ask for proceedings against VeriSign to determine
sanctions and possible removal of their concession.
::Brandon Lovested
- A "Relevant" Public User that is livid by
VeriSign's Arrogance.