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[wildcard-comments] VeriSign, keeping ball in the court of "ordinary user".

  • To: wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [wildcard-comments] VeriSign, keeping ball in the court of "ordinary user".
  • From: Andrew Boling <davin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 11:25:07 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4.1) Gecko/20031008

VeriSign's primary strategy in keeping their SiteFinder service alive is to keep the controversy in the arena of effect it has on the average user who only uses the internet for WWW/HTTP browsing. The internet is an extremely diversified network of countless data-transfer protocals which are by no means similar to HTTP. This is the personal opinion of the writer, but VeriSign is endangering its position of having the right to run the TLD name servers which govern these additional protocals.

VeriSign insists that the technical difficulties SiteFinder introduces to the internet are "negligable", justifying this opinion by what the common user is capable of casually percieving. This demonstrates a desire of VeriSign's to willingly jeapordize the rest of the internet for the sake of their marketing strategies depending on a single protocal. VeriSign only further incriminates itself by offering its latest defense to complaining professionals, "you guys don't think consumers are relevant". This is a gross mis-statement, as VeriSign is only considering its own consumers while damaging the operations of other companies and *individuals* worldwide.

As an IT professional, who has no legal authority to inforce his opinions, I'm of the mind that VeriSign needs to have its rights to host the TLDs re-evaluated. The company has demonstrated its willingness to compromise the entire internet, by which I refer to all data transfer protocals and not simply HTTP, and attempt sway support of the general public to its cause by taking advantage of its ignorance. It is our duty as administrators to simplify the operation of the internet for ordinary users, so that they are not *required* to have an exhaustive knowledge of protocals and how they inter-operate. It is a testament to our resolve that users are able to utilize the internet effectively without knowledge of protocals other than HTTP. Taking advantage of this ignorance, especially to selfishly sway the opinion of the masses away from their own intersests for the sake of imagined democracy, is highly irresponsible.

I'm very sure the actual administrators working for VeriSign know *very well* the harm of what they're doing, but it isn't them who are making the decisions. We need only look as far as the commentary from VeriSign's ranking executives to see that it's all fluff, with a blind eye turned to anything remotely technical.

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