[wildcard-comments] VeriSign's Net Abuse
Title: VeriSign's Net Abuse I am complaining about the VeriSign NetAbuse of hijacking bad URL requests referred to as "Site Finder". This repeated abuse of power shows a willful and contemptuous abuse of power and of the public trust. IMO VeriSign has proven their bad faith time and again, and can no longer be trusted to hold such a critical position as to be the caretaker of the TLD for .com and .net, so they should have their status as a TLD repository and registrar revoked. This should preclude their ability to sell Network Solutions, or rather it's ability to be a registrar. If they want to play ball, they need to follow the rules, they should have considered the risk to their investment BEFORE they dabbled in Net Abuse. Thank You. (The views express here are wholly my own, and do not reflect those of my employer.) James Kauzlarich