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[wildcard-comments] Sitefinder - wildcard lookup from Verisign

  • To: wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [wildcard-comments] Sitefinder - wildcard lookup from Verisign
  • From: "David S. Greenberg" <dsg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 05:29:02 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx

I am 100% opposed to Sitefinder being re-enabled in any way, shape, or form whatsoever, either now, or in the future.

It is a thinly veiled advertising method and it makes me ill every time I accidently type in a URL.

It breaks other protocols which rely on certain error messages to do their job.

It has absolutely NO value for anyone other than Verisign.

It goes against the RFC's and creates problems for a number of systems which are built to the specs contained in the RFC's.

Verisign's sole purpose in life should be to maintain the stability of the root servers, and the accuracy of the records therein. That's it. They should not be allowed to "innovate" (or whatever Microsoft-speak they dream up to call their abuses) outside of the RFC's. If they want to innovate, let them promulgate an RFC, get it accepted, and then implement things...

Enough of this bullshit already - why don't you guys simply put it to them like this:

1) It isn't approved. It wasn't every approved. It's not going to be approved.

2) It's stays off since it wasn't approved.

3) If you turn it back on again, or continue with these games, then we're going to have to move the whole shebang to another company that actually respects the Internet community and earns it's trust. Then file a complaint with Commerce, and yank it from these jerks.

... That's my $0.04...

-- David Greenberg,

David Data, Inc.

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