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[wildcard-comments] Reflections on wildcard protocol

  • To: <wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [wildcard-comments] Reflections on wildcard protocol
  • From: "Terry Priebe" <terryp@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 15:43:09 -0400
  • Reply-to: "Terry Priebe" <terryp@xxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx


I'm a small business owner who uses the Internet in ecommerce and for
extensive communication and research purposes.

I do not want the Verisign methodology for handling wildcards to become
imposed upon my operations.  I believe it would be improper having any
organization with commercial interests involved in directing Internet

If Verisign wants to pursue this, they should create a commercial site that
an Internet user can type in the name they were looking for and use the
Verisign site for possible redirection.

Take a look at the telephone system: if I dial an incorrect number, I don't
want some scheme to help me figure out alternatives unless I direct the
system to do so.

The decision on permitting reactivation should not be done by a poll.  The
decision should be made by the global governing body of the Internet.  For
my vote, though, Verisign should not be given any kind of a green light to

Terry Priebe

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