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THINK SHUN! Re: Apology is called for

>>>>> On Tue, 14 Jul 1998, "JW" == Jeff Williams wrote:

  JW> Brian E Carpenter wrote:

  +> Your personal attack on Dave Crocker is shameful. We are seeking consensus
  +> here, and being rude is no help.

  JW> Well Dave has been rude on three separate occasions in two days on these
  JW> lists to Richard, myself and others.  Dave Crocker is an ASS!


I think, without really being certain, that we have achieved 'rough concensus' that a shunning is in effect ;-)

Please folks, this individual has wasted enough of your valuable time. Go do what needs to be done - in the long term you will be judged based on those results, not how intelligently and patiently you responded to this drivel.

I can't imagine anyone will pay much attention to the ranting anyway, given the degree to which it has degenerated into the nonsensical.


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