[dssa] FOR CONSENSUS-REVIEW -- Confidentiality Guidlelines
hi all, those of us who where on the call today think that this version of the Confidentiality Guidelines is ready for a final consensus-review and approval on the next call. our habit is to send consensus-review items out to the list in order to give people who missed the call a chance to review the document one last time and raise any final issues they see. as a courtesy to those who've worked so hard on this, i'd ask that you review this *soon* and get comments back to the list as soon as possible so that we can resolve any late-breaking issues quickly. i'm attaching two versions. the Word version has all the changes in it if you'd like to see them. thanks, mikey Attachment:
DSSA - WG Confidentiality Guidelines - 21 April 2012.pdf Attachment:
DSSA - WG Confidentiality Guidelines - 21 April 2012.doc - - - - - - - - - phone 651-647-6109 fax 866-280-2356 web http://www.haven2.com handle OConnorStP (ID for public places like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.)