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Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] DRAFT version of "atoms" survey

  • To: Eric Brunner-Williams <ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] DRAFT version of "atoms" survey
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 12:11:34 -0500

On Jun 14, 2010, at 4:39 PM, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:

> In my opinion this was the first useful tool you've come up with.

LOL.  thanks!  i think...  :-)

> Some questions could be phrased differently, a paragraph of difficult
> to write (so that will never happen) issue explanation copy would
> help, and due to the relative unfamiliarity of the form there will be
> errors. It is worth pointing out that the answers are optional, and
> the respondent is free to go forwards and backwards ... until clicking
> "submit", and there is no instant gratification showing that 9 out of
> 10 dentists use Crest(tm) after clicking on "submit".

i've added a little blurb on the first page, and figured out how to turn on 
"sharing" so that everybody can download the results.  it's still pretty 
massively clunky, but at least it's there.

> The "I'm willing to compromise" is awkward. Is "compromise" around the
> 15% position 20% or 200%? Is "willing to discuss" on the same question
> 16% or 15% or 10% or 20%?

hm...  here's another try;

- I'm willing to discuss a wide range of options
- I'm willing to discuss, but only within a narrow range of options
- I'm not willing to discuss, this is a critical position for me


> The final question is misleading, is this reviewing the work product
> of this working group, as processed by the Council, then by the Board,
> and then again by the Staff, plus a couple of loops through the public
> comments process, or the "rules change for some operators at some
> offset from time zero" question?

yep, i get that.  how about this -- "Should the Vertical Integration framework 
(as ultimately established by the Board, and embodied in the Applicant 
Guidebook) be reviewed again later?"

thanks Eric.  i'm still editing, so things may change some more.


> Eric

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