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A comment on comments

  • To: revised-settlement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: A comment on comments
  • From: Eric Brunner-Williams <brunner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 14:52:43 -0500

Vint, or who ever is minding the ICANN public comments waste basket,

This is the first time I've seen an organized mailing campaign directed
in the interests of an incumbant registrar.

The new gTLD bids had interested and/or incompetent/bogus fan mail visibly
orchestrated by all four of the bidders.

The .org rebid had interested and/or incompetent/bogus fan mail visibly 
orchestrated by Neu*, and to a lesser extent (if memory serves) by AF &

The .net rebid had the same, but of course we were all much older, wiser,
and more cynical then about the process and the need for, or utility of,
jamming the "public comment" waste basket.

The stakes are much, much higher here.

It isn't every day I find myself in fundamental agreement with Marilyn Cade
and Philip Sheppard.

Please reject the recommendations of staff and reject any settlement that
is simply bait and switch.

Eric Brunner-Williams
ICANN Registrar #439, CORE #124

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