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Username: DGC
Date/Time: Tue, October 17, 2000 at 6:14 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 4.0
Score: 5
Subject: The DGC supports the .union TLD application


        The Directors Guild of Canada (DGC) support the application by Union-Network International (UNI) and their partner associations in their proposal to set up the .union top level domain (TLD).

The importance of expanding TLDs democratically into non-commercial areas is of the utmost importance as the Internet continues its explosive growth. Numerous labour organisations, including the Directors Guild of Canada make use of their Internet presence as a key communications tool both to their membership and the public at large. If the Internet is to grow democratically, the importance of the .union TLD as a defined area for labour organisations is an application that should be supported.

The Directors Guild of Canada (DGC), is a national labour organisation representing over 3,000 key creative and logistical personnel drawn from 47 different craft and occupational categories in the Canadian film and television industries, covering all areas of production, editing and design. 

Andrew Mitchell
National Communications Administrator
Directors Guild of Canada (DGC)


Link: Directors Guild of Canada

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