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Username: hdarbari
Date/Time: Tue, October 31, 2000 at 4:58 AM GMT (Tue, October 31, 2000 at 10:28 AM IST)
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Support for ...


Comments on the New TLD - ""

The "" TLD will be very usefull for all, specially for the people who don't know the Roman based languages. In India it has a real good application because India is a multi-lingual and multi-cultural sociey having Hindi as official languges of the Indian Union and each state has his own regional language. The similar problem is with Chinese and Japanese languages.

As suggested in the proposal for the new TLD "", where the people can use the phone numbers as the address, it will be very easy to remember and operate the TLD by the non-English speaking population. Another plus point is that we can have very easy search mechenism and even the voice recognition systems can also be integrated easily which can be used by masses (where one can speak the digits of the address and get connected).

I also agree that the "" TLD will be widely used and will provide competition to other TLD's and millions of website owners will use "" as a secondry web address and will provide a link to their existing primary website.

I hope that the "" will be accepted as the TLD soon which will  have low price to the customers and substantial revenues available for promoting Internet use by small businesses and individuals in undeveloped areas of the world.

-Hemant Darbari

Dr. Hemant Darbari
Group Co-ordinator,
Applied Artificial Intelligence Group
Center for Development of Advanced Computing,
Pune University Campus, PUNE-411 007 (INDIA)

Phone: 91-20-567 0097 (Work)
      91-2139-52377 (Home)

Fax  : 91-20-565 7551

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