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Username: mathieu
Date/Time: Sun, November 5, 2000 at 3:52 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: answer tp peniel


To Peniel :

Netbay, the applicant to be the registry for the .FIN domain, and its shareholders wish to respond to your message:

Thank you to your message. You are right when you assume that .FIN is a restricted Tld.

If agreed by ICANN, the AMB s’ application will allow the financial sector to set up a dedicated organization designed to implement this top level domain.

Then, the rules and conditions to hold a .FIN domain name will be accuratly established by this Sponsoring Organization.


Patricia Jutheau-Husson
Chairman of Netbay (Monaco)

Patricia Jutheau-Husson
Chairman of Eurafnet (Luxembourg)

Siegfried Langenbach
Chairman of CSL(Germany)


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