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[gnso-consensus-wg] Confirming Consensus Group Drafting Process - More Review Time

  • To: Chuck Gomes <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>, "gnso-consensus-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-consensus-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-consensus-wg] Confirming Consensus Group Drafting Process - More Review Time
  • From: Robert Hoggarth <robert.hoggarth@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 14:13:09 -0700

In response to clarification requests from Chuck and Avri, I proposed extending 
draft review time by one-hour to accommodate Alan's concerns..... and I noticed 
a typo in one UTC time calculation.


Friday  25 July

800PDT/1500UTC -  Snapshot discussion ends - no more discussion or changes
1000PDT/1700UTC - Draft report circulated for review
1700 PDT/2400UTC - Deadline for edits/comments on draft document and for 
individual member statements (if they choose)
1900PDT/200UTC(7/26) - Final report circulated to group
2000PDT/300UTC(7/26) - Report submitted

Further comments welcomed.


On 7/24/08 1:50 PM, "Chuck Gomes" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Just to confirm the agenda for the  next 36 hours or so.

 From now until 800 PDT/1600UTC  tomorrow email list discussion will continue 
with a ?focus? on the  snapshot Jon circulated this morning during the call.  
Opportunity  for continuing dialogue to make further progress where possible. 
The  discussion will be closed as of that time and we will need to shift to  
drafting/review mode.

By 1000PDT/1700UTC tomorrow I will circulate  the final snapshot with 
introductory language for the Board  submission.

Please provide edits, comments and individual group  member statements on the 
draft document by 1600PDT/2300UTC.  If there  are any significant objections to 
any language  I draft for which  there is no obvious or reasonable fix I will 
simple delete the offending  text.  The snapshot will not be changed 
substantively after the  deadline tomorrow morning..

I will expeditiously process any edits  and circulate a final version of the 
complete Board submission with  individual statements appended by 

I?ve tried to  factor in some flexibility for travel schedules and connectivity 
issues.  Please let me know asap if any of the times are impossible for you to 
meet  and I?ll try to adjust.

Thank you.


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