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Re: [gnso-idng] rethinking IDN gTLDs

  • To: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-idng] rethinking IDN gTLDs
  • From: Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 16:19:43 +0100

> Chuck: In my opinion, the timing of a final AG is a separate topic.
> Certainly any changes recommended between now and a final AG could impact
> timing but I don't see the issue discussed in the chain of emails below as
> one that would cause delays.  To be realistic though, considering the work
> remaining on the overarching issues and vertical integration, the soonest I
> think we will see DAG4 is a few weeks before the Nairobi meeting in March.
> I also would hope that that is the final DAG but for that to be the case,
> ICANN Staff and the community has a huge amount of work to do between now
> and then.  Disappointly, DAG3 still had too many huge holes.  For DAG4 to be
> the final DAG, it will have to be fairly close to complete with only minor
> changes remaining.  Assuming DAG4 is the last DAG, then it seems to me the
> soonest a final AG could be approved by the Board would be in the July
> timeframe.
Thanks Chuck,

We need to get a clearer understanding of what the timetable actually is here 
IMO. I understood what staff told the community in Seoul to mean that the FAG 
(final AG - I've trademarked that acronym already I love it so much...) which 
was originally to come out in December, had been replaced by a DAGv4, still 
planned for December, with the FAG now planned for end of Q1 2010...

Maybe we can get that a better idea of what is actually planned from staff.


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