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Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] Nature of the problem / Evidence of harm discussion

  • To: Thomas Rickert <rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] Nature of the problem / Evidence of harm discussion
  • From: "Novoa, Osvaldo" <onovoa@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 17:05:13 -0200

Yes, we think that if a sufficient number of governments have agreed to grant 
some type of protection we should do the same.
Best regards,

El 12/02/2013, a las 16:53, "Thomas Rickert" 
<rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>> escribió:

thanks for your e-mail.

Am I correct to understand that the ISPs do not wish to see evidence of harm 
prior to moving forward considering protections?


Am 12.02.2013 um 19:48 schrieb "Novoa, Osvaldo" 

> Sorry Thomas, I was traveling.
> In the ISPCP we discussed this point and our position is that if a sufficient 
> number of governments have given some kind of protection to these 
> organizations that should be enough for us.
> We,all know the kind of harm that could be done if they are not protected, 
> that is the reason for the RPM established, so we think there is no need for 
> proof that they have or may have suffered some kind of harm
> Best regards,
> Osvaldo
> El 12/02/2013, a las 16:42, "Thomas Rickert" 
> <rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx><mailto:rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>> 
> escribi??:
> All,
> some of you have responded to the below e-mail. May I ask those who have not 
> done so yet to please respond?
> Thanks,
> Thomas
> Am 07.02.2013 um 21:18 schrieb Thomas Rickert 
> <rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx><mailto:rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>>:
>> All,
>> following up on yesterday's call I would like to ask all of you to answer 
>> either of the following questions. As you will remember, there was some 
>> debate surrounding the question if and what evidence of harm needs to be 
>> presented to the group and Chuck proposed the following questions, which I 
>> have modified a bit:
>> 1. Are there those who want to see evidence of harm before considering 
>> granting protections?
>> 2. Are there those who are requiring protections who are unwilling to 
>> provide information? If so, are you offering other or a subset of the 
>> information required according to the survey sheet.
>> Please answer the question by next Tuesday.
>> Thanks,
>> Thomas
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