[gnso-osc-csg] ACTION ITEM 1: OSC-CSG Work Team 24 April Meeting
Dear Work Team Members, Attached for your review and consideration is a draft preliminary analysis of existing constituencies against the criteria in subtasks 1, 2, and 3 in response to Action Item 1 from the 24 April 2009 meeting. This document also is linked to the wiki at: https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team. In this preliminary analysis there appeared to be many instances where information did not seem to be listed in constituency charters or web sites. These instances are indicated in the attached document with an "X" or "? NEED INPUT." In these cases perhaps those Work Team members who represent constituencies may be able to provide suggestions for locating the information if it is available. Soon to follow is an analysis of the proposed stakeholder group charters. This task likely will require less research as there are no sources other than the charters (such as web sites) to analyze. Thank you very much for your assistance. Your comments and suggestions for improving this document are greatly appreciated. Best regards, Julie Julie Hedlund Policy Consultant Attachment:
GNSO OSC-CSG WT Task 1 Constituency Analysis.doc