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[gnso-osc-csg] RE: DOODLE / Constituency Operations Sub Team 1.2

  • To: "Olga Cavalli" <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] RE: DOODLE / Constituency Operations Sub Team 1.2
  • From: "Victoria McEvedy" <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 12:42:15 +0100

Following our call on Monday ---which Michael, Olga and I joined, two
points emerged: 


1.    We determined that a narrowed definition of minutes might address
issues as to admin burdens and looked at language such as "decisions,
resolutions and action points". 


2.    We also decided to revert formally to the BGC as to their intent
on open mailing and discussion lists (even with posting limited to
members) and I agreed to draft something.  I will do this and circulate.



Given that attendance was limited -I would like to request that we
either arrange another call or that those who did not attend submit
comments on the original unedited recommendations language only at this
stage (attached again). 


We are looking for detailed examples of issues and factual observations
and focus on the language.   


Could people also indicate their ability to join a further call -before
or after our call on Friday? 


I have set up a Doodle for this at




Victoria McEvedy



Solicitors and Attorneys 



96 Westbourne Park Road 


W2 5PL


T:    +44 (0) 207 243 6122

F:    +44 (0) 207 022 1721

M:   +44 (0) 7990 625 169 



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From: olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Olga Cavalli
Sent: 21 September 2009 12:37
To: Victoria McEvedy
Cc: Gisella Gruber-White; Julie Hedlund; Rafik Dammak;
cdigangi@xxxxxxxx; myoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; sskshatriy@xxxxxxxxx; GNSO
Subject: Re: DOODLE / Constituency Operations Sub Team on Monday 21 Sept


Dear Victoria,
thanks for this document.
Talk to you in a while.

2009/9/15 Victoria McEvedy <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>


Dear Subtask Team, 


In advance of the meeting next week -as discussed, please submit
detailed, fact based comments and suggestions on the current draft
recommendations only at this stage.  

Please feel free to redline although without any expectation that your
edits will be adopted by the whole group given that others will also be
doing so. Comment might be more helpful.  


Part II: Recommendations

Recommended Minimum Common Operating Procedures for Constituencies

1.      Executive Committees: 

a.      All Executive Committees must take minutes and promptly publish
them and any resolutions within 72 hours of the relevant meeting.  
b.      All Executive Committees must publish their rules and
procedures, decision making process and criteria.
c.      Term limits of 2 years and two terms shall apply to members of
Executive Committees and shall be final.  No member can stand again for
the same office after reaching these limits and in particular, not by
standing down for a term.   

2.      Committees

a.      The ICANN Working Group Operating Model -as finally recommended
by the Policy Process Steering Committee be adopted to govern
Constituency Committee processes and procedures. 
b.      The formation of all Committees be made known to the entire
constituency membership and open to all members.      
c.      Where technical or other specialized expertise is required by a
Committee -all members having such expertise shall be entitled to join
that Committee. 
d.      The fact a Committee has been established and the membership of
it shall be published on the Constituency website and the final work
products and minutes should be made available to the entire constituency
membership within 72 hours of any given meeting. 
e.      All Constituencies shall publish a list of all active and
inactive Committees and their minutes or resolutions and work products. 

3.      Communications 

a.      All Constituency mailing and discussion groups shall be open to
the public. 
b.       Posting Rights to all Constituency mailing and discussion
groups may be restricted to Constituency members -at the election of the
c.      Information as to Constituency business and work product and
finance and accounts and submissions to Staff and other ICANN entities
shall be made publically available unless there are valid grounds for
restricting distribution in accordance with the Constituency Disclosure
d.      All Constituencies shall have a published Constituency
Disclosure Policy. 
e.      Constituency Disclosure Policies should narrowly restrict limits
on disclosure and comply with ICANN bylaws and transparency principles. 
f.      An independent appeal shall be provided for any rejection of an
application for disclosure under the Constituency Disclosure Policy.
That appeal shall be to a neutral GNSO entity. 
g.      All Constituencies shall have a published Privacy Policy
providing for the protection of the personal data of individual members
and shall restrict publication of classes of information on the same.  

4.      Elections 

a.      All Constituency Offices, including representatives to
Stakeholder Groups and the GNSO Council shall have a two year limit and
a maximum of two terms. These limits shall be final.      
b.      All Constituencies shall publish a list of all Office holders,
past and present, since inception.  

5.      Voting 

a.      All Constituencies shall permit all members in good standing to
vote in an election. 
b.      All members, whether natural or legal persons, shall have equal
voting rights.
c.      Members be entities to appoint proxies. 
d.      No legal or natural person shall be entitled to vote twice. 
e.      No legal or natural person shall be entitled to join more than
one Constituency. 

6.      Charter Amendments 

a.      The procedure for amending Constituency Charters shall be
standard and shall be passed by 75% of the members. 

7.      Meetings 

a.       All Constituencies shall adopt the basic standard meeting
procedure as at Annex A. 
b.      Minutes shall be taken at all Constituency meetings and approved
by the menbers. 

8.      Policy 

a.      Standing Policy Committees are discouraged in favour of ad hoc
Committees formed to deal with particular policy. Standing Policy
Committees shall comply with the same rules as Executive Committees but
the term limit should be 1 year and two terms.  There should be no
restriction on sitting out a term and starting afresh.  
b.      Policy Committees shall be open to all members in good standing
and like other Committees shall publish their formation, work product
and decisions. 
c.      Any Member of a Constituency shall be able to propose a Policy
Committee be formed on a Policy issue and provided 5 members agree, a
Committee shall be formed. 

9.      GNSO WG

a.      Any member of a Constituency shall be entitled to join any GNSO
WG and Constituencies shall publish and advise all members of the call
for WG participants.
b.      Constituency Members may participate in an individual or
representative capacity but must advise the Constituency membership of
the WG activity from time to time. 

10.     The Constituencies adopt the Code of Practice at Annex B to
govern their dealings with Staff. 
11.     We recommend a Handbook be prepared containing the common rules
and principles and materials referred to in the recommendations above.

12.     We recommend that [all] recommendations [#] above, apply also to
the Contracted House Stakeholder Groups.  




Victoria McEvedy



Solicitors and Attorneys 



96 Westbourne Park Road 


W2 5PL


T:    +44 (0) 207 243 6122

F:    +44 (0) 207 022 1721

M:   +44 (0) 7990 625 169 



Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority #465972

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From: Gisella Gruber-White [mailto:Gisella.Gruber-White@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 15 September 2009 22:28
To: Olga Cavalli; Julie Hedlund; Victoria McEvedy; Rafik Dammak;
cdigangi@xxxxxxxx; myoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; sskshatriy@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: GNSO Secretariat; Gisella Gruber-White
Subject: DOODLE / Constituency Operations Sub Team on Monday 21 Sept


Dear All,

Please find hereafter a Doodle poll to set a time for the Constituency
Operations Sub Team call next Monday 21 September 2009.

Please provide your availability and we will confirm the time as soon as
everyone has responded.

Apologies for the delay in getting this Doodle out to you.

Thank you
Kind regards

Gisella Gruber-White
On behalf of GNSO Secretariat
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Email: gisella.gruber-white@xxxxxxxxx
Tel: +44 7545 334 360
Skype ID: gisella.gw


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Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.


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