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RE: [gnso-osc-ops] RE: Council Rules of Procedures (RoP)
- To: Ray Fassett <ray@xxxxxxxxx>, "'Ron Andruff'" <randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "KnobenW@xxxxxxxxxx" <KnobenW@xxxxxxxxxx>, "ntfy-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx" <ntfy-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>, "gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [gnso-osc-ops] RE: Council Rules of Procedures (RoP)
- From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 00:43:18 -0700
Ray PLEASE send the changed powerpoint as soon as possible !
From: owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Ray Fassett
Sent: mardi 27 octobre 2009 08:23
To: 'Ron Andruff'; KnobenW@xxxxxxxxxx; ntfy-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx;
Cc: Gisella Gruber-White
Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] RE: Council Rules of Procedures (RoP)
I take it this is replacing the previous motion to the change the language?
i.e. is not an additional motion...please confirm.
I can support this at the will of the Council.
I would set 11/18 or 11/25 if this is acceptable. This is gives us two or
three WT discussions to arrive at a sound proposal. Open to suggestion.
Glen: Looks like the power point is changing again :)
From: Ron Andruff [mailto:randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 3:16 AM
To: KnobenW@xxxxxxxxxx; ray@xxxxxxxxx; ntfy-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx;
Cc: Gisella.Gruber-White@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Council Rules of Procedures (RoP)
I support this revised motion.
Ronald N. Andruff
RNA Partners, Inc.
220 Fifth Avenue, 20th floor
New York, New York 10001
V: +1 212 481 2820 x 11
F: +1 212 481 2859
From: owner-ntfy-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-ntfy-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of KnobenW@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 2009-10-27 03:04
To: ray@xxxxxxxxx; ntfy-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx; gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: Gisella.Gruber-White@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Council Rules of Procedures (RoP)
from the discussion within the CSG it turned out that there are still questions
open with regard how abstentions should be counted in the voting process. The
council (through the working team) is requested to review this point and come
back with a revised proposal after a fixed short period of time. The related
current draft motion would be approved with keeping the existing text as status
quo until the revised text is been accepted.
My intention for tomorrows council meeting is to come up with the revised
motion as attached.
Please feed back
- whether this is acceptable
- with setting a date where this point could e resolved
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