[gnso-policyimpl-wg] Initial follow up from WG meeting of 30 October
Dear WG members, As discussed on the call earlier today, please find attached a summary from Maureen Cubberley, chair of the sub team responsible for crafting working definitions of some key terms (Sub Team 0A), reporting on the initial steps being taken by the group. In addition, and also as discussed on the call, please consider volunteering for Sub Team 0B, which will be starting its work imminently (whereas the remaining four sub teams, viz., for Deliverable I, Deliverable II-III, Deliverable IV and Deliverable V all as described on the mind map will only be convened later on in the WG process). The reason is that Sub Team 0B will be responsible for developing "working principles" that will underpin the discussions of policy and implementation across the WG, taking into account current ICANN documentation such as the existing GNSO procedures (e.g. WG Guidelines and the PDP Manual), ICANN Bylaws and Core Values, the staff paper on policy and implementation, and possibly other related materials such as the newly-released Draft Vision for a 5-Year Plan (mentioned by Tim on the call today). As work then continues in the other sub teams, these "working principles" may then be further refined, with a view toward final review by the last sub team, for Deliverable V. The plan for Sub Team 0B therefore is to begin its work either before, at or immediately following the ICANN meeting in Buenos Aires; and the current Work Plan envisages sufficient work will have been done by early January that will enable the full WG to begin discussions on the evolving "working principles", and a target date for finalization of the initial set of "working principles" in February. These milestones and dates are currently reflected in the Work Plan sent around this morning and on the WG wiki. Please reply to me via email if you would like to volunteer for Sub Team 0B. Once the list of draft questions discussed today has been updated and reviewed by the Chairs and Vice Chairs, a copy of the updated questions will also be sent around to everyone for your input and comments. Thanks and cheers Mary Mary Wong Senior Policy Director Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) Telephone: +1 603 574 4892 Email: mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx * One World. One Internet. * Attachment:
PI WG Definitions Sub Team Report 1.doc Attachment: