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[gnso-raa-b] RE: RAA: topics in category #9: RAA termination

  • To: <gnso-raa-b@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-raa-b] RE: RAA: topics in category #9: RAA termination
  • From: "Metalitz, Steven" <met@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2009 13:14:05 -0800

> _
> RAA subteam B participants: 
> As discussed on our most recent call, in order to move our work
> forward, it was recommended that we launch discussion of some of the
> remaining categories in the compiled list of RAA amendment topics.  (I
> am using the revised chart, posted earlier today and dated today,
> December 30.)  
> According to my notes, we have discussed topics 1-4 in our previous
> call. On topic 5 -- compliance -- I have, by a message posted earlier
> today, asked staff to provide their views on our next call on Tuesday,
> Jan. 5.  I have just posted messages regarding topics 6, 7 and 8.
> Here are some views put forward to get the discussion started on topic
> #9,  recognizing that our role at this stage is primarily to organize
> and prioritize the topics proposed, rather than to delve too deeply
> into the details of the proposals made.  (This does not preclude us
> from deciding, if we can, that one or another topic is simply out of
> scope or not appropriate for consideration with regard to RAA
> amendments.) 
Re:  Topics in category #9
Most of the items in this category deal with the circumstances under
which ICANN has the right to terminate an agreement with a registrar
(9.1 and 9.2) and the procedures for doing so (9.3).  All of these, I
suggest, should be considered as higher priority items.  
Item 9.4 may depend on the status of the Draft Registrar
Disqualification Procedure.  Can staff provide any insights on this?  
Reactions on the list, please?
Steve Metalitz

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