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RE: [gnso-restruc-dt] CIG and Individuals

  • To: <Gnso-restruc-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-restruc-dt] CIG and Individuals
  • From: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 21:17:26 -0400

Chuck, I am not sure I support this being an issue of Council 
procedures. But perhaps it does require a review of all Constituency 
charters to make sure that they are truly open and will be judged so 
as new participants apply.
It is clear to me that somewhere in the CSG, there needs to be a home 
for the new class of entrepreneurs that the web economy has created - 
epitomized by those who sell stuff on e-bay. Philip's two extremes 
are easy to address. It is those that come in the middle that I would 
think are of greatest concern. If they do not have some voice on the 
GNSO Council, then we are not really representative of modern 
business issues. Whether that is in the BC or a new "web-based SME" 
constituency is not for me to say.

At 08/05/2009 01:40 PM, Gomes, Chuck wrote:

It seems to me that the more subjective the criteria the more the need
for independent appeal mechanisms. Sounds like a possible issue for the
OSC Consituency/SG Operations WT.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-gnso-restruc-dt@xxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-gnso-restruc-dt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Philip Sheppard
> Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 8:32 AM
> To: Gnso-restruc-dt@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [gnso-restruc-dt] CIG and Individuals
> Let me clarify the position on individuals
> In essence the rules for admittance will not change significantly.
> Today individuals are welcome. The BC has for example Marilyn
> Cade; Mike Rodenbaugh and Mike Palage.
> But before they join a constituency an individual must
> demonstrate "commercial intent".
> That is judged (in the case of the BC) by a committee of
> members who assess commercial intent on evidence provided.
> That may be as simple as incorporation:  a sole-trader, an
> LLC, a one-director limited company etc.
> Other evidence will be considered.
> If the evidence was "I once sold a printer cable on e-bay"
> that may be judged insufficient.
> If the evidence is "I made $1m selling printer cables (or
> art) on e-bay from my garden shed, that may be judged sufficient.
> It will be a case by case basis with the default that
> satisfactory demonstration of commercial intent by an
> individual gets them in.
> Hope this helps.

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